Why Should I Join A Group?

We are committed to personal involvement in one another’s lives through our Home Groups.  We want deep relationships to be developed in our body, and a smaller group setting helps foster those relationships.  Furthermore, we are committed to discipleship, and discipleship happens in relationships.  Our Home Groups exist to provide a place where deep relationships, discipleship, accountability, encouragement, and prayer can all happen on a deeper level than on Sunday mornings.  Being a part of a Home Group is vital to being a part of Sojourn, and to living life in community as we are to live.


How Do I Join A Group?

The first step to joining a Home Group is finding a day and time that works best.  We have Home Groups that meet on different days, at different times, and at different locations.  Feel free to reach out to the group leaders to let them know you’re interested, or simply jump in and visit a group.  You can find contact information for all of our Home Group leaders listed below.  They would love to be able to speak with you about Home Groups. You don’t have to contact a group leader before visiting, but if you have any questions, they are available to help serve you.  If you have a child, or multiple children, then letting the group leader know that you will be visiting would be helpful in setting up childcare.  If you have questions or would like someone to help you get connected to a group, please email sojournenid@gmail.com.


What Should I Expect?

Our Home Groups consist of a small group of people who meet in a home once a week for around two hours to grow in relationship with one another and God.  There will be group discussion times, times of prayer, times of accountability, and informal times to just be together.  Every Home Group has the flexibility to spend as much or as little time on each of these things as necessary, so not every Home Group will be the exact same.  Our Home Groups have childcare provided if you have any children, and there will be snacks and drinks available as well.  Expect to get to know others on a deeper level and to experience gospel-centered community.


Home Groups


Ryan & Janean Reese


janeanreese@gmail.com | 425-244-6309


Jay & Gina Mendenhall


ginablack8@hotmail.com | 580-484-2850


Dillon & Kathryn Zimmerman


k-zimmerman@live.com | 405-612-5524


Dustin & Lindsay Ash


dustinandlindsay@yahoo.com | 832-623-9847


John & Renee Westrope


rlwestrope@gmail.com l  580-402-0722

Jim & Kim Day


kimday1964@gmail.com l  580-977-8075

  Jared & Sofia Pitchford


sofia.pitchford@gmail.com l 405-538-7954

Garon & Susan Harris

gs.harris6@yahoo.com l  405-861-4945


Ryan & Janean Reese


janeanreese@gmail.com | 425-244-6309